Highly Sensitive People and Grief & Loss

Grief & Loss.

For many of us losing someone we love, whether a person or pet, or even a dream, job or goal, can be some of the most painful times in our lives.

I was unprepared for how affected I was when my mother died. As an adult & psychotherapist I assumed I had all the proper tools to deal effectively with grief and the ability  ‘to get over it’ quickly.  I underestimated how far-reaching losing a parent is, how unmoored and alone it can make you feel.  I sought therapy to support and reassure myself that the intensity of what I was feeling was normal and that I wasn’t losing my mind.

There is nothing to do to get over grief. There is no right way to grieve, and no length of time that is ‘appropriate’. Every person’s grief is as unique as what was lost. We don’t get over losing someone, just like we don’t get over our 20’s or 30’s. But understanding our own grief can help us find a path through the pain when it feels like life has lost it’s purpose. And while no one gets a pass from pain & grief, we can work to make the sorrows bearable. A profound loss provokes confusion about our place in the world and what was once meaningful can start to feel empty and flat.

Our view of the world tilts and this is hard to navigate alone. We can let others support us as we go though what is necessary for us to experience and heal. I support you to safely feel your grief and incorporate all that has changed into a new understanding of your life.