Highly Sensitive People & Midlife Crisis/Life Transitions

What is a Mid Life Crisis?

Around the middle years it can feel like everything is crumbling, even though from the outside nothing has changed. Maybe you start to recognize that you can’t continue living in the same way. You notice feeling irritated at everything and everyone, annoyed that there is always an unending stream of people (and animals) that need something from you. You are the ‘go-to’ person at work and likely at home too. Work meetings that used to be engaging now feel like unending torture.

It feels like you can not go on like this anymore, and you feel trapped with no possibility for change. You feel like the purpose and passion you once knew is no longer available to you. Nothing feels as meaningful as it once did, and nothing new is exciting.

You can continue down the path of believing that something is wrong with you that needs to be fixed and try to make the best of it; maybe some more boundaries, a better planner, or perhaps the oldie but goodie-I’ll just work harder, smarter, longer…. it’s not them, it’s me. But as you know, this won’t work for long, you’ve tried it before.

Or you can begin to accept that who you are, sensitive traits and all, is here for a purpose, that your gifts are needed. That it is time to start to shift your life in ways that support who you are instead of fighting against yourself.

What is a mid life crisis?

It is a call from the depths of your being to start a new adventure. To take all you have done and learned and allow yourself to grow into more of YOU! You can have the Radical Audacity to be who you were meant to become at this point in your life. To turn away from what the majority touts and turn inward to gain self knowledge & an appreciation of your gifts, to learn, cultivate and grow your superpowers, while reconstructing a life that supports you and your highest purpose.