Highly Sensitive People and Body Image & Food Freedom
Are You Ready for Some Radical?
You’ve been thinking about it for awhile. Sneaking looks at instagram. Flirting with radical websites. Secretly scrolling late at night thinking: do I dare? is this for me? should I try it? will people accept this? how does it work?
I see you. Wanting desperately to believe that there is a different way, a way to stop obsessing about calories, diets, & other people’s opinions. A way to feel differently about yourself. You love the fat positive, non-diet, feminist influencers, but you don’t believe it could ever work for you. And even though you’ve been on the diet loop forever it still feels like the next diet will finally be the one to work. Familiar?
Maybe it’s time for some Freedom.
Here’s the RADICAL idea:
There is nothing to fix, your body is not a problem, and you can be trusted to decide what to put into your own mouth.
Many of us started dieting at 10 or younger (for me it was eight), and have been on some sort of diet or “lifestyle plan”ever since. It feels like dieting is the only option if you ever want to accept yourself (or be accepted). But there is a different way, a way that can reconnect you to the wisdom of your body and free you to pursue your dreams. I help people find peace with their bodies using a non-diet, weight neutral approach to food based on permission, allowance, self compassion and trust. Together we look your relationship to food and your body so that you can rediscover your own power and sense of self worth.
Health at Every Size, or HAES®, influences my approach to this work as well as intuitive eating techniques. HAES encourages us to trust our body by listening to hunger and fullness cues, seeking joy and moderation in physical activity, celebrating body diversity, and rejecting diet culture, sizeism, and the thin ideal. Intuitive eating helps us to tune into what our body needs and wants.
Health At Every Size and HAES are registered trademarks of Association for Size Diversity and Health and used with permission.